The 2019/20 year has been an eventful one. With the COVID-19 pandemic and physical distancing and safety measures ongoing, we have not yet held our Annual General Meeting or distributed the Annual Report. While a date for the future AGM and Board of Directors elections has not yet been set, we wanted to share with you all a re-cap of our successes, celebrations, and learning in 2019/20. The full Annual Report is available here.
This year marks one year with our wonderful Executive Director, Meghan Doucette. As an organization we’ve grown substantially with her insight and direction, increasing membership, advocacy, and presence in HRM.
In Summer 2019, we held many successful events, including outdoor Rise & Grinds and our well-loved Urban Cycling 101 Course.

We also organized fun, family-friendly group rides to the Park Avenue Community Oven for pizza-making!

In the fall, our #ILightHFX campaign was a great success, giving out 100 front and rear lights for people to stay safe as the days got shorter and people were riding in the dark.

From February 8 to 15, 2020, the HCC coordinated Winter Bike Week!

This spring has been a difficult time of transition and growth for the community. Cycling has seen an impressive uptake as less cars are on the roads and more folks are out exploring the local streets.
The Halifax Regional Municipality has implemented a variety of different measures to encourage the use of active transportation (walking, biking, and rolling), including slow streets, expanded sidewalks, and temporary infrastructure changes.
At HCC, we’re taking the time to recognize the need for equitable action around active transportation infrastructure—these changes need to be made permanent in order to support all road users to be safe in the streets. This means focusing on high quality infrastructure, and decentralizing enforcement as a measure of public and street safety.
Thanks for another great year, and we look forward to seeing you all when we’re able to coordinate our AGM!